Opening Panel Discussion & Some Disruptive Thinking: Embracing the New – Technology and Transformation


Turtle Creek Ballroom B &C

  • How can can global mobility be a dynamic driver of change within organizations and business around the world – and what do you need to watch out for?
  • How can you identify areas for change and build a business case?
  • How can technology help to drive change within your global mobility function and what does AI mean for mobility and the wider business?
  • In the context of tightened budgets, how can you drive reforms and keep employees on side?
  • What will new technology mean for immigration and tax reporting and compliance?
  • Can technology help you to better support, develop and engage your key talent?
  • Can you leverage mobility data and analytics to broaden diversity and drive key hiring and talent decisions?

Senior Director Global Mobility
Program Lead
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Americas Immigration Practice Leader
Vialto Partners
Senior Vice-President of Partnerships